Part 3: Environmental Effects of Glyphosate

Environmental Effects of Glyphosate

  1. Weakens plants ability to feed itself 

  2. Compromises plant defense

  3. Kills microorganisms that support plants  

  4. Roundups adjuvant penetrates skin of plant- these might actually be even worse than Glyphosate itself

  5. The full formula- Roundup- is much more toxic than Glyphosate alone

  6. Glyphosate concentrates itself in the part of the plant we eat

  7. It contaminates soil and makes plants mineral deficient- it was originally patented as a chelator 

  8. Lingers for decades in soil 

  9. Kills bees 

  10. Overall killing the environment 

Glyphosate Part 1: How Glyphosate Dissolves Tight Junction

Light Radiation and You by Dr. John Ott


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