Light Radiation and You by Dr. John Ott
Dr. John Ott is a pioneer in the field of the effects of light on human health.
All he wanted was for light to be a variable to be accounted for in research. In both Health and Light and Light Radiation and You he advocates how important light is to human health and how lack of light, or improper light may cause detrimental effects on human health.
It is actually clear by not accounting for light in any medical experiments, almost all science can be considered faulty.
Dr. Ott has showed that light can affect anything from cancer formation (in rats) to cholesterol metabolism in chickens, to what the ratio of females to males in chinchilla breeding is.
Unfortunately for Dr. Ott, no one did ever listen to him and to this day light is not really being studied in any capacity (with the exception of red light)
Side note: every macronutrient, vitamin, mineral etc. absorbs light at a certain peak wavelength, without that being present, it may lead to improper digestion, absorption and metabolism of that molecule.
For example in a 2024 study titled “Light stimulation of mitochondria reduces blood glucose levels” shining a red light on participants shoulders decreased the blood sugar spike by 20% after a meal (PMID: 38378043)
There is no reason this does not apply to every single molecule. There is 0 research done on this subject, so it’s just my conjecture, but I would bet that if you are eating protein under artificial blue light, you are probably not getting the full benefit of that protein (amino acids) compared to eating it under full sunlight.
“We take for granted that a combustion engine needs an ignition system ... but we totally ignore the biological combustion or metabolic ignition, system-- that is, the interaction of light or electromagnetic energy” P21
“We know that every chemical, mineral, vitamin, or substance of any kind that we take into our bodies as good has a maximum wavelength absorption characteristic of electromagnetic energy. We also know that this wavelength energy penetrates the skin and interacts directly at the molecular level with the chemicals and minerals in the blood supply” P21
“The condition bilirubinemia, results from high concentrations of toxins waste in the blood... the blue light with its shorter visible wavelengths passing through the issues interacts with the bilirubin serum and converts it into a nontoxic substance that can easily be excreted” P22
‘“...The response to UVB may indicate the deposition of some (toxic) stunace in the skin that is being degraded or inactivate by ultraviolet light”’ it seems to me that referring to a toxic substance in the skin being degraded or inactivated by any kind of light comes pretty close to talking about the metabolic process, or biological combustion” P24
“Those minerals and chemicals in the individual cells of our bodies that would normally be metabolized by the wavelength are that missing {in artificial light} remain in the equivalent of darkness, even through the other wavelengths are prevent. The end result is an incomplete metabolic or biological combustion process”
** “... all nutritional substances, including medicines and drugs such as Laetrile [chemo drug], have specific wavelength absorption if those wavelengths are missing in the artificial light source a person is exposed to, then no biological combustion will take place and the nutritional benefits of the particular substance will not be utilized”P91
“... It is now known that that the wavelength absorption of cholesterol is in the ultraviolet. If chicken (and perhaps even people) do not get any ultraviolet, the cholesterol level builds up just as bilirubin serum does ” P170
Flexible Dieting by Alan Aragon