Book Review: The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack


This book might be one of the best books I have read on science. The craziest part about the whole thing, is because water science got a bad reputation during the polywater incident, not many researchers are actually looking into water currently. This is a shame, because water is an essential component of life, and we actually don’t seem to know a whole lot about it. For example, even the 4th phase of water (exclusion zone water, or like Pollock would call it “liquid crystalline”) has yet to be even formally accepted into the scientific consensus, even though the research is clear that it exists.

10 Major Takeaways:

  1. The central idea of the book is that “water participates in virtually everything”

  2. EZ (exclusion zone) water is the 4th phase of water. It has a consistency of a raw egg white (gel like). It would be on the spectrum of water somewhere between water and ice.

  3. Water stores energy in 2 ways.

    1. Order: configurational potential energy: as water changes phases, going from order to disorder releases potential energy 

    2. Charge separation: When water forms EZ water, there is a separation between positive and negative, which resembles a battery. 

  4. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the father of modern biochemistry, explained that all of biology is the exploitation of electron energy- this makes sense when you consider all chronic disease is related to mitochondrial health, and mitochondria run on electrons.

  5. Hydronium Ions (positive) help build pressure and flow 

  6. Water gets energy from light, specifically from the sun and perhaps other cosmic sources. 

  7. The sun's electromagnetic energy builds potential energy in water. Protons recharge the EZ by building order and separating charge, they do this by splitting water molecules, ordering the EZ, this sets up a charge polarity in the water (EZ and bulk water). 

  8. A glass of water is not in equilibrium- it is always absorbing radiant energy from the environment. This is a possible explanation for Brownian movement- which is the release of potential energy since it has no other work to do at that time.

  9. Humans are capable of harvesting energy from the environment.

  10. This is more chemistry/physics related, but “like likes like” means that 2 things with the same charge attract each other, this makes no sense since we learned that opposites attract and the same charge repel, however, the reason this works is because the attraction is mediated by the unlike charges in between the two like charges.


Gerald Pollack is clear, concise, and a great teacher. He was able to explain complex principles from physics, chemistry, and biology in a simple and coherent way. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested, as the application is critical for human health.

Amazon link The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

Book Review: The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack


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